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Category Archives: EAA 569 News

February Meeting — Tuesday, February 4

Our next Chapter Meeting will be Tuesday, February 4 at 7 p.m. Program: Paul Selivanoff. It will take place in Duncan Aviation Hangar I, Darlene Christiansen Room. (3833 N Park Rd, Lincoln NE 68524). Parking is west and south adjacent to Hangar I. Enter the building at the southwest corner. Click here for a map.

New Breakfast Location Loading…

Thanks to everyone who has attended our fly-in breakfast over the past several years at Crete. The airport has taken on new management and have asked us kindly to relocate. Stay tuned to see where we land! Once we have it finalized, we will push it out to social media.

January Newsletter now available

The January Newsletter is now available; click here to view it.