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Chapter Breakfast — Saturday, February 20

Join us for breakfast on Saturday, February 20 at the Crete Airport (CEK). Our Chapter Breakfast includes pancakes, omelets, plane talk, and more from 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Suggested $5 donation. Whether you are arriving by wheels or wings, travel safe and we look forward to seeing you.

Breakfast Help

Due to a variety reasons, the core Chapter 569 breakfast crew has dwindled. We can use a little more horsepower. Whether it’s setting up tables and chairs or making coffee, we can use some help. We’re not picky. If you’re interested or have any questions, reach out to any of the contacts on our Contacts Page.

Zoom Meeting — Tuesday, February 16

Our February Business Meeting will take place via Zoom on Tuesday, February 16 at 7:00 p.m. Watch your email for the invite.

January Newsletter now available

The January Newsletter is now available; click here to view it.