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Chapter Breakfast — Saturday, October 17

Photo by Doug Prange, Prange Photography, of the Chapter Fly-in Breakfast on March 18, 2017. Click on the image to view full size.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our next Chapter Breakfast on Saturday, October 17. It will be at the Crete Airport (CEK) from 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Suggested $5 donation.

Fall Webinars

EAA has a number of Webinars (web seminars) coming up this month and next, covering a variety of topics. The webinars are free, but there is limited space, so it’s important to register ahead of time. Click here for more information and registration details.

October Meeting — Tuesday, October 13

Our next Chapter Meeting will be Tuesday, October 13 (yes, the 2nd Tuesday of the month). David Haring, Executive Director for the Lincoln Airport Authority. David will share with us the happenings and upgrades to the Lincoln Airport.

The meeting will take place at the Lincoln Municipal Airport Terminal – 2nd floor Airport Office Conference Room at 7 p.m. Parking will be free in any of the parking lots or garage. Take a ticket from the dispenser to open the gate. Bring the ticket to the meeting and the airport will validate it. If you park in the garage, you can park on the floor that has the sky walk to the 2nd floor of the terminal.

Space is limited to 20 attendees. Please RSVP to Tom Trumble if you plan to attend. Call or text him at 402-540-6089. Please wear a mask to enter.

Another item to note:

Our business gatherings via Zoom will continue on Wednesdays preceding the Saturday fly-in breakfast at 7 p.m. So the next Zoom meeting will be 7 p.m., October 14. Watch for the link in your email that Monday. Foreseeable agenda items: Christmas Party, 2021 officers, plus whatever questions you bring.