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April Meeting — Tuesday, April 2

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, April 2. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will be at the Duncan Aviation Engine Shop (5000 NW 44th Street — Lincoln, NE). Harold Bickford will give a presentation on phase 1 flight testing using the EAA Flight Test Manual and test card program. Builders who use the EAA Flight Test Manual will complete the program with a thoroughly tested aircraft; full understanding of their craft’s performance, characteristics, and limitations; and enough data to easily build a comprehensive operating handbook for the plane. 

Newcomers and folks interested in joining our chapter are always welcome at our meetings.

Chapter Breakfast — Saturday, March 16

Chapter 569 Breakfast

Cartoon by “Robrucha”

Join us for some green eggs and ham at our next Chapter Breakfast on Saturday, March 16. As always, there will be great food, plane talk, and camaraderie from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. at the Crete Airport.

Bring your appetite and $5 donation!

March Newsletter now available

The March Newsletter is now available; click here to view it.