Aviation experts are stumped as to what this object is that is flying over Denver. A video was originally captured by a man who took the footage to a local news station. In the video, the object can be seen circling downtown Denver, moving both horizontally and vertically. Questioning the legitimacy of the video, the news station set up their own cameras and captured the same footage. The man who originally took the video claims the object appears in the early afternoon hours at least a couple times a week. Interestingly, in order to see the object clearly, the speed the video plays at needs to be adjusted. According to the FAA, they have no record of any visual sightings or sightings on radar during these indicated times. One aviation expert said that it could be debris that was seen on the video, but heavily doubted that possibility. For now, the object fits the definition of a UFO — an unidentified flying object. You can click here to watch the video and decide for yourself if there’s an earthly explanation.