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February Meeting — Tuesday, February 6

Our next chapter meeting will be on Tuesday, February 6 at the Duncan Aviation Engine Shop (5000 NW 44th Street — Lincoln, NE) at 7 p.m. Program to feature Chris Stokes.

Chris Stokes is a long time Lincoln pilot, CFI, and aircraft owner. Chris owns a classic 1942 PT17 Stearman, is a part owner in a 1976 A36 Bonanza, and is working on restoring a Viet Nam era Cessna A-37 Dragonfly fighter jet. Chris recently retired from the USAF Reserve in 2022, and flew three combat tours in the F16 and A10 in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is a current Boeing 777 captain at United Airlines based in San Francisco. Chris was recently elected to the Lincoln Airport Authority last year and is a champion for general aviation. Chris is married and has seven children.

Newcomers and folks interested in joining our chapter are always welcome at our meetings.