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KSWT Antique Airplane Fly-in — Aug. 26-28

The Seward Chapter Antique Airplane Association Annual Fly-in (KSWT) is taking place August 26-28. There will be Friday meals at noon and in the evening. Saturday will include breakfast and noon lunch, and an evening annual banquet/awards for fly in. Sunday will have an informal gathering and departure. Contact Todd Harders 308-380-5079 or Pat Schmitz at 402-276-5340 for more information.

Old Newsletters Archived

We’ve uploaded a number of old newsletters, dating back to the 1980s in the Newsletters section of the website. Thanks to Jerry Carlson for sharing old newsletters for us to archive. If you have a copy of any old newsletters we don’t have archived and would like to share, please pass them along to the newsletter editor so we can upload them. We’ll return them to you.

AirVenture 2016 Photos

Thanks to Dennis for sending in some photos from AirVenture; click here to check them out.