We are a diverse group of individuals with one common bond: an abiding love of airplanes and sport flying. Established in 1976, EAA Chapter 569 is located in Lincoln, Nebraska and is a local branch of the Experimental Aircraft Association.
What is the EAA?
EAA is an International Organization founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1953 by a small group of individuals who wanted to take advantage of the new federal regulation that would allow the licensing of homebuilt aircraft. The new certification was to be included in the “experimental” aircraft category, thus the name of the new organization became The Experimental Aircraft Association.

EAA Chapter 569 has helped host EAA’s historic B-17 when it was in Lincoln in 2008, 2011, and 2014.
Who We Are
Throughout the year, our chapter holds meetings and participates in various aviation events throughout the community.

We periodically hold “Builder’s Tours”, where we visit the project sites of our members who are building.
A number of our members fly homebuilt aircraft that they have built themselves. There are several projects under construction in a wide variety of types. Many of our members fly factory built planes ranging from simple trainers to complex twins. Also represented in our group are warbirds, ultralights, power parachutes and classics. And some of our members are not pilots and do not own aircraft. Their sole connection to aviation is that they love airplanes and belong to our group in order to feed their passion.
Whatever your aeronautical interest, you will find a fine level of camaraderie at EAA Chapter 569.
How to Become a Member
We have an online registration system which helps make the registration process easier and faster. If you would prefer not to register online, we also have a form you can print off, fill out, and mail in. For more information about these options and how to become a member, please click here.

Chapter 569 was present at the Guardians of Freedom Airshow, featuring The Blue Angels, in Lincoln in September 2011 and May 2016
Monthly Meetings
Each month our meeting features a speaker. The programs cover a wide range of aviation interest and technology. The meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.; we do occasionally change so be sure to check the website main page at http://eaa569.org for meeting times and locations.
Additionally, we celebrate with an annual picnic near the end of summer and a Holiday Party in December.

There is plenty of room on the ramp for fly-in’s at our Chapter Breakfast.
Monthly Chapter Breakfast
On the third Saturday of each month, Chapter 569 members and folks outside our group gather for a morning of great food and conversation. Breakfast is served from 8 a.m – 10 a.m. at the Crete Municipal Airport (CEK) As of February 2025, we will be moving from Crete to a new location. Stay tuned for details!
EAA AirVenture
EAA AirVenture takes place once a year around the end of July in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Several Chapter 569 members met for dinner last year during AirVenture in Oshkosh.
At AirVenture, you will find many vendors, exhibits, and workshops. Thousands of people fly-in their planes that they own and/or have built themselves and share their experiences and expertise. As you can see, AirVenture is a meeting place for people from all over the world to come together and share their passion for aviation. Many Chapter 569 members have been attending this extraordinary event for many years.
Young Eagles
Chapter 569 is a major participant in the international EAA Young Eagle program that has provided a ride in general aviation to a million and a quarter youth.
Chapter Documents
• NE Secretary of State Corporation Biennial report
• 2021 Bylaws 21-09-02
• 2021 Restated Articles of Incorporation 21-09-02
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Contact Us
Have a question that is not answered here? Visit our Contacts page. We welcome all questions, comments, and feedback!